Sound of Mind
Empowerment is the major theme on this new collection, inspired by the medieval knight armor design that was unbreakable to protect the warrior on the battlefield, beside the complex filigree decorations and craftsmanship showing their pride and strength to the enemy.

The shield pendant design is a metaphor of protection on the physical body and mind. The headdress made of silver shields and amethyst beads is reflecting a warrior's mind and dedication against the obstacles and challenges.

The Silver Bell Necklace

The Silver Bell Necklace design is inspired by the phrase “sound mind” comes from the Greek word phroneo, which carries the idea of a person’s intelligence or total frame of thinking. The warrior’s mind is able to vision and react to the dangers under stress and attack, a dead mind is not able to generate ideas and react to the attacks.

The engraved waves imagery on the bell represents the unpredictableness of the ocean, where it could kill a man or give him wealth and food, stay calm and listen carefully when a situation comes is the core message of this collection.

Creative Production Team
Jewellery: Devil Claw Jewellery / ig @devilclawjewellery
Photography: Void Studio / ig @vo_id.0
Clothing: Void Studio / ig @voidstudio
Makeup: Coyi Mua / ig @coyi.mua
Hair Stylist: Mandi Tang / ig @manditang
Model: Jasmine Frehner / ig @jas.freyfrey